In Kazakhstan, the warehouse market has shown dynamic growth over the past five years. If back in 2017 there was a sufficient amount of free space in the country, then at the moment the total load is close to 100% for some categories of objects. Experts of the consulting company ASER – director Oleg Ilyin and leading analyst Vladislav Kapota spoke about the specifics and features of its development.
Indicative for reflecting the leading trends in the field of warehouse real estate in Kazakhstan is the largest city of the republic – Almaty. The total area of warehouse premises in the Republic of Kazakhstan is estimated by ASER at the level of 4.99 million square meters, and Almaty accounts for 1.01 million square meters or 20.2% of the total market.
The level of occupancy of warehouse premises in Almaty is extremely high and has already exceeded 90% since 2018. This indicator increased from 91% in 2018 to 97% in the first quarter of 2022, or by 6 p.p. At the same time, at the moment, the level of loading of Class A warehouses in Almaty is 99.2%.
It should be noted that Almaty is a transnational crossroads through which a transport corridor passes, linking the EU and the People’s Republic of China. And in the current geopolitical conditions, this can help Kazakhstan become the largest logistics hub in the Eurasian Economic Union.
At the same time, the main factors influencing the development of warehouse logistics at the macro level include population dynamics, growth in wholesale and retail trade, as well as cargo turnover.
Among the key players in the B+ and A class warehouse segment, it is worth noting such companies as Damu Logistics (126,000 sq. m. of warehouse space of this class), ILP Group (126,000 sq. m.), ALG Company (48,000 sq.m.), USKO International (32,000 sq.m.), Free Line (23,000 sq.m.), EuroTransit Terminal (20,000 sq.m.) , Tau Admiral (15 thousand sq. m.), Iceberg Almaty (14 thousand sq. m.), DanKo Commerce (10 thousand sq. m.).
More detailed information about the warehouse real estate market in Kazakhstan and Almaty can be found in the article of the Internet portal
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