ASER | Consulting company > Press center > ASER clients have become residents of the Great Stone Industrial Park

ASER clients have become residents of the Great Stone Industrial Park

Дата публикации: 03.11.2022

ASER acted as a developer of two business plans for investment projects of the companies LLC “Lauding” and LLC “Superpack Innovation”, which today became residents of the industrial park “Great Stone”!

As part of the project of Lauding, it is planned to create a center for data processing. The data center is a specialized container in which the company plans to place all the necessary equipment with subsequent connection of customers to the Internet.

As part of the Superpack Innovation LLC project, it is planned to organize the production of innovative types of paper packaging (namely: bags with a reinforced die-cut handle and bags with a valve for automatic packaging of bakery products).

We congratulate the companies on obtaining a new status and wish them successful development!

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