ASER | Consulting company > Press center > Investment project management at the XXI CENTURY-CONSULT Business School

Investment project management at the XXI CENTURY-CONSULT Business School

Дата публикации: 20.09.2022

ASER Director Alexander Kondrashonok carried out a training on investment project management at the XXI CENTURY-CONSULT Business School.

At the event, top managers and specialists of economic departments of large Belarusian enterprises discussed the following issues:

  • concept of an investment project, its implementation stages, and success factors,
  • approaches to business planning in Belarusian and foreign practice and a financial modeling tool,
  • efficiency evaluation and investment projects risk management.

The training was not limited to theoretical discussion only. The information blocks were accompanied by an analysis of projects from the speaker’s experience, the development of a financial model of a real case, and an overview of typical mistakes in the preparation of documents.

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