Oleg Ilyin holds the position of Director of ASER. Prior to joining the company, he was a Vice President of the QUMMIF investment fund in London where he was responsible for the analytical unit and interaction with international financial institutions. Prior to that, he was head of investment policy and business planning department in a large production holding (CIS) overseeing financial modeling, fundraising and M&A transactions.
Oleg has experience in managing and implementing a number of projects in investment and strategic consulting in the field of engineering, food industry, pharmaceuticals, finance, tourism, etc.
He has been a teacher of finance and investment programs at the English-language MBA program of Belarusian State Economic University and at a number of private business schools in Belarus since 2013. He is the author of more than 50 publications including in the magazines “Director”, “Financial Director”, “Securities Market”, “Insurance in Belarus”, etc.
Master of Economics (Belarusian State Economic University), MS in Investments and Finance (Queen Mary University of London). He completed internships and advanced training at Stanford University, Lund University, Széchenyi István University, SYMPA, Russian School of Management, Online Academy for Entrepreneurs Round A, etc. Certified specialist of the securities market of the 1st category (Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus).
Oleg is a member of the Angels Band network of business angels, a member of the Board of Trustees of the local Development Business Network fund, member of the ad-hoc group to develop Strategy for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment, member of the ad-hoc group on the development of the Legislature of the Republic of Belarus On Investments, as well as the winner of the Chevening Scholarshipand also a laureate of the Minsk City Executive Committee award for active participation in the scientific, social, and cultural life of Minsk.