ASER | Consulting company > Press center > Almost 2 dozen ASER clients received a new status of HTP residents

Almost 2 dozen ASER clients received a new status of HTP residents

Дата публикации: 29.08.2022

Almost 2 dozen ASER clients received a new status of residents of the Hi-Tech Park as a result of the meeting of the Supervisory Board at the end of August 2022!

ASER has helped to receive a new status for software, mobile apps, and computer games companies in e-commerce, financial technology, education, online marketing, and design. Grizzly Digital Company LLC, Zumos LLC, Program Innovation Center LLC, SmartExpert Plus LLC, and others are among the registered clients. Companies operate on product, custom, and mixed business models.

We congratulate our clients on entering a new level of development and are happy to offer our services to companies wishing to join the ranks of residents!

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